Sunday, May 11, 2008

On why Lake Atitlan is in Infrared

Infrared and Normal compared
click for bigger view

It takes time to get to know her, spend a few more days with her than the usual 3 days, Lake Atitlan will slowly reveals herself to you. She is truly gorgeous and magical, often labelled as one of most beautiful lakes in the world.

Turn out I was not much of an early riser while at San Marcos de laguna. Even after setting up my alarm countless of mornings, I still could not make it for the sunrise at 5am. Only at dawn does the cloud cover disppear over the volcanos. And so I resorted to my infrared filter to uncover the beauty of this beautiful lake. This was taken late in the morning about 10am. On infrared, it reveals a little more of San Pedro Volcano, and you probably can make out part of Volcano Toliman

The only morning I managed to wake up in time for sunrise, was also the morning I did not bring my camera out.

Mirror Site

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