Thursday, July 3, 2008

Returning to Central Java, Indonesia

I revisited Central Java, Borubudor recently in June 2008. This time spent more time walking around and viewing the beautiful bass reliefs. The last time in 2005 was a little rushed and whorl-wind type of photo tour.

Stayed in Manohara Hotel and did the sunrise tour, which wasn't really much of a tour, but of paying the extra 110,000rp (sgd$16, us$11) for someone at the hotel to open the gates 1.5 hour earlier than the usual 6am for normal entry.

Was it worth it you say, well yes in a way it was. I took quite a lot of photos pitch black and waited for sunrise. The sunrise wasn't spectacular, it was quite hazy covering the sun most of the time. I sure enjoyed snapping photos while it was a touch of dawn and the only light available was my torch.

It was great that for a brief period, the Volcano Mount Merapi revealed itself beyond the horizon before hiding back into the clouds.

Here's some photos I took, this time I brought my cokin color filters, not much of a photoshop addict, I made some curves and level adjustment and the color filters and nature's light did the rest of the magic.

Borobudur, Central Java

Borobodur, Central Java

Borobodur, Central Java

Borobodur, Central Java

Borobodur, Central Java

Borobodur, Central Java

Borobodur, Central Java

Borobodur, Central Java

Borobodur, Central Java

Borobodur, Central Java

Borobodur, Central Java

Borobodur, Central Java

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