Thursday, July 3, 2008

Tenggerse Horsemen of Mount Bromo

Horses of Bromo - A series of Black and White images

These Tenggerese Horsemen live on the edge of a magnificent million-year-old caldera with four dormant and active volcanic peaks. Mount Bromo is one of the active volcanoes in Indonesia. For centuries, the Tenggerese lived off the rich volcano soil with substance farming, horses only came to the land 200 hundred years ago and became an integral part of the Tenggerese culture.

Nowadays, these Tenggerese Horsemen takes tourists up the Volcano daily basis, the average trip up the volcano will cost you 20,000rp - 40,000 depending on your bargaining skills. These horsemen start working at 4am and returns back to their regular jobs after 10am when all the tourist leaves. It gets too hot after 9am. Business is tough these days, this is the off peak tourist season and not many tourists take the horse ride up these days judging by the number of horses awaiting for business.

It was fairly easy ride up the Volcano on horseback, with parts of steep ascent, my skinny little horse had no problems walking up this steep portion along with its horsemen leading it up. Riding down the descent was a little uncomfortable strapping my 10kg camera bag on my back, it was a little challenging balancing myself with my heavy bag.

Tenggerese Horses of Mount Bromo
One of the horsemen who took us up the Volcano

Tenggerese Horses of Mount Bromo

Horses up the slope, looking down at the 'Sea of Sand'

Tenggerese Horses of Mount Bromo

The horsemen waiting for business up the Volcano

Tenggerese Horses of Mount Bromo

Tenggerese Horses of Mount Bromo

Horses lining up awaiting for tourists to take them down the Volcano. Most of the horses looked quite skinny and dehydrated.

Tenggerese Horses of Mount Bromo

Tourists riding up the steep slopes of Bromo

Tenggerese Horses of Mount Bromo

The view of the entire caldera from my hotel, Lava View lodge.

Mirror Site

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