Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm off to Bangkok...

Deja Vu again for Thailand, as People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) and other anti-government decided to protest against the Thai prime minister Samak Sundaravej just barely a few months in parliament, demanding that he should step down. The last time in 2006, the rioters turned ugly, overthrowing Thaksin, the former prime minster's government. Thaksin Shinawatra was accused of massive corruption and had fled to Britain.

This time, the anti-government protesters accuse Sundaravej of being the lackey of Thaksin and of election rigging.

On Tuesday 2 Sept 2008, the prime minster declaration state of emergency, disallowing any assembly of more than five people. Not a good idea, as it may aggravate the situation with the protesters camping out at the Government House having yet another excuse to storm the streets.

It had been a tense period, PAD managed to close down Phuket airport on Friday and Hat Yai on Tuesday. Hopefully not Bangkok airport which I would need to be flying out by end of the week.

FYI : PAD was organised by a group of right winged businessmen and political activists. The protesters carries images of the King, Bhumibol Adulyadej declaring absolute reverence during their camp out at the Government house. Wonder if there is any significance?

While I shouldn't comment on the Thai Politics, I really feel this is once again politically motivated by the higher powers. I wonder how long Thailand can remain a democracy with all these infighting going on. Everyone is jostling for power and Thailand is rearing itself to become military rule once more.

Not good for the Thai economy, not good for ASEAN region. The tourists are fleeing.

A few countries including Singapore had advised against travelling to Thailand.

A little bit of drama the whole day, as a group of people were suppose to travel with me had decided to cancel their trip.

I have decided to travel to Bangkok inspite of it, bags packed, cameras ready, airticket in hand.
Let's see what's the real situation there.

PS : Hope the Thai government don't close down internet access. In the meantime I have scheduled up a few Thai related news for archiving in the blog

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