Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Event : Spiritual Guru Siva Baba in Singapore 20th Sept 2008

This seems like an interesting event, Dattatreya Siva Baba (Dr. Baskaran Pillai) is the spiritual guru, who seem to be a popular guru on youtube videos, disseminating his teachings through internet channels. That is according to his self-proclaimation and his many press releases. I first heard of him through one of those internet press releases on AP and slate.

Presently living in the United States, he has been travelling around Asia giving talks and teaching healing techniques to the spiritually inclined...

I received this event through a recent email. The write up below is a little cheesy, however don't let it deter you from participating. I shan't give you any comments as yet, however I'll be attending his session in the upcoming Singapore event.

Event : Advanced Intensive with Baba
Dattatreya Siva Baba will be in person to transmit profound Grace Light empowerment thorough an Advance immersion process for physical , emotional, spiritual healing. The strongest trasmission are possible in the presence of a fully enlightened master.

Date : Saturday, September 20th
Time : 4.00 - 8.00 pm
Place : RELC, 30 Orange Grove Road
Cost : $88 (exact cash please)
Email :
Tel: 816 20731
Space Limited.

During the seminar, Baba will enpower you with :

  • Advanced intiation into the Grace Light, the light of God

  • Special teachings in Soul Genetics with a group ritual to gain blessings of ancestors.

  • Karma removal techniques to remove blockages in manifestation

  • Direct access to the Divine with special mantras to attract money and loving relationship into your life.

  • The deepest level of Grace Light empowerment is called the 9-Gates process, which opens 9 vital centers in the energy body and brain. The 9-Gates Process is based on esoteric knowledge from antiquity. During this process, passwords will be revealed to open up the 9-gates within the energy body. For centuries this wisdom was kept secret by yogic masters and passed on to only their closest disciples. Once this process is completed and channels are open, you will learn how to transmit the Grace Light to others so you can carry it to family, friends and others in your life.

    Grace Light Empowerment is a layering process. The Grace Light enters you more deeply and completely with each empowerment, with the strongest transmissions taking place in the presence of a Master. This is why Dattatreya Siva Baba is traveling to over 20+ cities worldwide to facilitate Grace Light transmissions.

Dattatreya Siva Baba belongs to the Tamil Siddha tradition of Southern India, an esoteric order whose origins can be traced to the eighth century. An Indian mystic and teacher who counts among his students the best-selling author Wayne Dyer, is known to many followers as the "YouTube Guru" because of his frequent video transmissions on everything from yogic meditation practices to quantum mechanics.

Dattatreya Siva Baba will be in Singapore speaking about Mind Sound Technology™ (MST) on the Television CHANNEL NEWS ASIA on the Program "Prime Time Morning" at 8:50 am - 9:00 am (SGT) on 22nd Sept 2008.

For more info, visit

Update : 24 Sept 2008

Siva Baba will be in Singapore again in Nov

Thought Manifestation with Baba

As you know, Baba will be returning to Singapore soon to give more blessings and share more teachings so everyone can learn to create whatever they want. He will be teaching a seminar on Thought Manifestation on Saturday, November 8th from 4-8 PM at RELC with a cost of $88. Baba will share secrets of thought manifestation from classical yoga texts, including how to compress time to bring a thought more quickly into material reality, how to emotionalize our thoughts so they are empowered to manifest, how to enhance our ability to desire and how to experience subtle thought forms that carry the atomic power of manifestation.

Please visit for additional details.

Advanced Intensive with Baba- Money, Relationships and Enlightenment

For people who want to study advanced teachings with Baba and experience a more focused transmission of shaktipat, we will again hold a special seminar that will have limited attendance. The seminar, Sounds for Money, Relationship and Enlightenment, will be held on Sunday, November 9th from 3-7 PM. We will give location details upon registration. In this special program, Baba will teach us techniques to create different states of consciousness according to our life goals. Specific sound waves create various states of consciousness. The mind also needs to be cleared of negative programming and be empowered with positive thoughts. Baba will give a group initiation into advanced mantras that have the ability to restructure consciousness. As this seminar has limited seats available, it is important to reserve a space by contacting The cost of the Advanced Seminar is $200. A portion of the proceeds of these advanced programs go to Tripura Foundation, our non-profit organization that serves very poor children and orphaned, destitute and mentally ill children and adults.

Please visit for more information on Tripura Foundation.

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